Hey long time no post lol...how's everyone doin? Lol so I'm in desperate need of a thermostat housing for my 1st gen GTE an NOOOBODY has one...anybody know who to contact or anyone close the the PNW have one I could take off their hands? Lol
OEM part number is 16321-88380 so you could potentially try the dealer. Sadly the 1st gen 3SGTE water outlet was unique to that car so its likely discontinued.
Is yours completely buggered? Could it be welded up? If you cant find an exact replacement, im sure we could work out a perfectly good if not factory original solution.
Is it one of these? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Toyota-C...226?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2c9e039642 Looks the same as a gen1 3sge thermo housing.