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What does the far left warning light mean?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johna, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. johna

    johna Guest

    Two of the warning lights on my 88 Celica 3SGE just came on whilst I was driving. One is the battery charge and the other is the far left warning light that looks like a heater or something. I don't have a handbook and don't know what this means? Anyone help?

    Any common causes for charging faults? I did wash the engine bay down with water the day before -- are there any electrical connections I should check???

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. JoeJack88

    JoeJack88 Well-Known Member Super Moderator Donated!

    check engine light my friend
  3. johna

    johna Guest

    Are you sure thats the far left light? I think there is a light with a picture of an engine on the far right that I thought was check engine? This one looks like a heater or something...
  4. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member


    according to my pic

    from the left

    check engine, bad brake light, low gas, door open, charging problem, ebrake, no seatbelt ;p
  5. schmooot

    schmooot Well-Known Member

    thats where the low fuel light is....damn mine must be burnt out I've never seen it
  6. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Well-Known Member

    From left to right

    Rear Defrost, Check Engine, Tail Light Out, Low Fuel Light
  7. JoeJack88

    JoeJack88 Well-Known Member Super Moderator Donated!

    oh yeah that old light ahhahahha..I soo forgot about that one..havent used it in years..SO it just came on randomly? after you washed the engine.
  8. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    turn off the rear defrost :D :D :D :D :D
  9. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    johna look in the how-to section on how to read your engine codes then let us know what code you get and we can help from there!
  10. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    wow that just made my day :)

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