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>.< Speeding tickets >.<

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jake-89CelicaGT, May 2, 2008.

  1. Jake-89CelicaGT

    Jake-89CelicaGT Well-Known Member Donated!

    :lol: So I recieved my first speeding ticket the other day in my Celiac :lol: I was cruisin' down the merging lane from the overpass on a local highway, sped up to merge, continued to speed up :twisted: an saw a Cop flyin' by me from the other side of the median! The funny thing is there is a hill that goes up then down towards the intersection up ahead, and his lights were on flashin' away even before I saw him on the horizon lol. So I say to myself, " :D Someone's in trouble haha :D ", not knowing it was me until he bolted accross the median and started catching up ;) . He had his shiny blue lights flashin but no sirens :( I pull over.

    He asked me for my lisence and registration, and I gave him my outdated registration by accident and took me a minute to get the up to date one heh :oops:

    Apparently he clocked me at 105kph in a 70kph zone. To me it didn't seem to fast heh, but I got away with a $195.00 speeding ticket and was lucky I wasn't given a lisence suspention or my Yota wasn't towed away.

    Anyone else have some interesting ticket memories with their Yota? Share em' :!:
  2. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    wtf abbotsford welcome! lol where are all these BC people coming from. sucks about the ticket, happens to the best of us. been pulled over alot but only one ticket...

    driving to kelowna from kamloops through the backroads. i was following my friend in his saturn with no speedo, got a straight stretch and he got his car to govern only to see me catching up to him while he was governing. we caught up to some traffic, slowed down and came to a corner where a cop pulled us both over haha. 121 and 117 in a 90 zone alot better than 180 and 190 in a 90 ;)

    oh to be young again...
  3. Jake-89CelicaGT

    Jake-89CelicaGT Well-Known Member Donated!

    Yeah lol GG abby.

    My buddy in the car with me was all, "So this is what it feels like to be pulled over... scared?" I told him I was waiting for this moment for a long time haha... I think now ill keep my speed racer helmet in the trunk until later at night :lol:
  4. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    haha I have too many funny stories to even know where to start....
  5. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    yeah way too many stories here too...

    oh well, i'll learn one day. actually i think i'll be learning very soon as my license gets suspended soon and ill be training and busing it everywhere hahaha oh and skating :p
  6. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    lots of stories, no speeding tickets! ha!
  7. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Mines been suspended a couple of times....for unpaid fines once, and too many demerit points another time..... I've had only 3 speeding tickets so far.... 2 for 35km/h over and one for 10km/h over.....one failure to stop ticket when I blew through a stop sign for some reason because I was young and stupid and a minivan happened to be there and I hit the back end of it....totalling my first ever car! :(

    Hmm...lets seeee....ran from the cops once and ditched my car....they called my house and me and my gf went back to the car and we lied and said she was driving and made up a bs story on how we just had an argument and then she left the car there becasue she didnt want to get in trouble for stealing my car hahaha and she cried and the cop bought it.....gave me NO hassle and let us both go....

    When I got pulled over on the highway for speeding I had a about 2g of weed on me...a bottle bongs....a micky of peach schnapps in the backset that was my gfs that I forgot was even there....and some roaches in the ashtray.......we just smoked one too so it stunk like weed in the car....

    The cop searches the car..finds everything..... Lets us off with it all... Dumped the alcohol out, ripped the weed up...took my bongs and papers and scissors haha..... but left my roaches in the ashtray!!!! hahahahahah I sparked one up as soon as I pulled away.....that was nuts....

    There are a few more but I don't have time to tell you now....
  8. ssscorpin110

    ssscorpin110 Guest

    haha ya im with sr6punk, many many stories but somehow ive managed no speeding ticket... or for that matter any ticket. i consider myself lucky considering it all lol
  9. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    3 speeding tickets, about a few too many warnings....

    think im gonna save it for the track. i want to get into track days etc when i get some more cash together.

    my bro once was raced/raced by an unmarked police car. think it was an aurion. he smoked him then the lights came on. was pulled over and did the whole bullshit story and by the end of it, they were making jokes about those speeding ad's where (dont know if anyone from outta aussie will know them) they have the kds doing burnouts etc and other ppl stick their little pinky finger up and wiggle it... haha they were laughing by the end of it then he was let off with a warning :p

    i have never really been very luck with speeding tickets. always cop it when i get caught!

    oh well rye's story beats everyone atm! thats fucking hectic man! !!
  10. zak062

    zak062 Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of when i got pulled over in the trac but got away :D.

    It was early in the morning and i was on a 2 lane highway with a small mediun. I was at a light and decided to wake up and give her some gas so i pulled all the way threw 3rd gear, about 80mph. Once i was done with the pull i started to decelerate a little going up a hill. As i crested the hill, shit, cop coming the other way. He wiped a U-turn and i just pulled over right then and then before his lights came on. He came up to my window and asked why i think i got pulled over. I told him "possibly speeding". He then tells me i was going 62 in a 45, not so bad.

    He takes my liscenes and insurance, comes back tells me to watch my speed and lets me go. Im a lucky bastard.
  11. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    When you said "got away" you really meant "got let off".
  12. Kiasis

    Kiasis Well-Known Member Donated!

    I can't rememeber - are radar detectors legal back home? I don't think they were before I moved down south, but perhaps that's changed in recent years.

    I'd be in big trouble w/o my Passport 8500. My normal commute is between 75-90 mph (Hwy 99 north of I-5, for sr5punk). When my detector goes off and I slow down, I always get someone giving me a nasty stare that I slowed down traffic as I move over into the right hand lane and they go flying by me. Too bad they don't get the hint as they get pulled over a 1/2 mile down the road.

    I got the dector after four tickets in a 3 month span while simply going w/ traffic (yeah, I was kinda 'duh' on the realization that a $300 dector is better than a bunch of $175 tickets and jacked insurance rates). Each time, I wasn't passing or driving dangerously, simply doing the same speed as everyone else, but either ahead or behind the crowd and easy to separate from the herd.

    I was recently pulled over by a cop using the new 'instant on' radar on a back road. However, since even the 'instant on' takes a second or two to lock in the target, I slammed the brakes and got down to the speed limit. He pulled me over and told me that I was doing over 80 mph on a 45 mph road, but he couldn't lock me in time before I got down to 45, so he just gave me a warning.

    I also pissed off an airplane cop once who was pacing me, but I caught him out of the corner of my eye and slowed down. By the time I got the radar signal from his ground support, I was doing the speed limit. The plane practically buzzed me and I could see the passanger cop staring hard at me as the plane banked back to start pacing the next victim (sr5punk - watch the sky if you're around Auburn on Hwy 80).
  13. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    Never had a speeding fine... :D Though i did get pulled over for doing 95km/h in a 70 zone, but he was nice enough to let me go. :p
  14. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    touch wood... QUICK !!
  15. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    lol, i think its because i work at Maccas. Also once at an RBT, they seen my tyres (no tread what so ever, full slicks, lol) and they let me off as well, they told me to buy n ew ones.

    Going by the amount of smiling emoticans in your main post, it seems like your happy you got fined! :lol:
  16. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    haha so true, the positive looking emotion guys out weigh the negative ones hahaha

    why would it be cause you work at maccas? dont get paid enough to cover a ticket? i swear i have a few mates that work there and get paid half decent :p
  17. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    No, nothing to do with that, i actually do get paid semi alright. The cops always come in to eat, cause they get half price.
  18. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    WHAT!! they get half price! thats bull shit. hahaha so they know you then? thats always good.

    there's a cop thats around nambucca that booked his best mate that was coming over that night for dinner!
    he's been known to do some pretty cold blooded bookings over the yrs!!

    well, glad you get good money!
  19. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    Yep, half price. I guess its so that there is more cops around to prevent trouble.

  20. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    he s loser of a bloke! sure does his cop duties well tho lol

    he's also been known to book his WIFE for crying out loud!!!

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