My 87 GT-S

Discussion in 'Your 4th Gen beauty' started by celicagtsgurl, Nov 23, 2007.

  1. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    celicagtsgurl i have the image of the car blacked out and trim removed, i am having trouble finding some decent graphics to put on there. i would try and free hand it, but i pretty much blow cheese when it comes to that stuff. so if you have some graphics in mind and a ready available image, throw it up and i will try to put it on. oh and if you are keen on some specific rim let me know, i can try to apply that to the image as well.
  2. I can't think of anything at the time, maybe some stripes, dunno really haven't really thought about it. And I don't really care bout the rims, don't really know any good lookin ones. I have stock ones on my celi for the time.
  3. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    alrighty. i will have a finished product up later tonight. i'll throw something tastefull on there for ya.
  4. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    all finished but photobucket is own. sorry. aint nothing too special, just sommeting i thre together for an idea or 2 and even to maybe help me in my own inspirations. will try to post it tomorrow or the following day when photobucket gets better.
  5. Thats kool, take your time. We're still in the process of gettin the 240sx prepared for paint. Gonna do a little bit of painting today. Then maybe tomorrow and sat. Hopefully will have everything put back together by sunday. It didnt take long to take everything apart, but I'm sure it will be a PITA to put it all back together, lol.
  6. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member


    here ya go. not perfect, but thought it was kinda nice. a slight idea, hahhaha
  7. Thanks, looks like you ripped the black paint off. The pink and black look good, another friend also suggested painted the roof, front pillars and jams black and the est of the car a type of metallic grey, or gunmetal. Dunno wut I'm gonna do, but I really appreciate the pic, thanks again.
  8. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    tint those windows :|
  9. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    hahahaha i am working on it. im moving in about a weeks time and have no extra cash to release into the car. but it is definately coming. no prob with the pic.
  10. Ok so he's finally done putting everything back together after he painted it at a friends paint booth. I think it turned out really good, but he thinks he could have done better, cause theres a few places where the gun dripped, or theres dirt and such in the paint but here it is 350z daytona blue, tell me what you think guys. He also repainted the interior dash and stuff. Now I really cant wait to paint mine. I'm now thinkin of going with a stock celica color, not sure what gen yet, but some kind of light color, blue, silver, gray, still deciding.

  11. RA40_ST162

    RA40_ST162 Well-Known Member

    loving the nissan, good luck on your celica =)
  12. Ok I used some vht nightshade paint and painted my corner lights, ill get pics soon.

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