wanted to buy eibach prokit (8212.140) but they are discontinued was wondering if anyone can find these on the net or any and all other spring options there are that i can run, was looking to run a 1 inch drop over a lower b+g drop if i can help it and perferably if the springs were shipping from somewhere in the US
seems like there are limited choices around to choose from and all around $200-240...any help on other springs and prices would be awesome i bought all the shocks and extras to put it all together, one question how does the spring seat up against the strut mount on the rears, didnt actually take it apart yet to see, just wondered me cuz i got a junkyard spring isolators and hats off 5th gen celicas and on those the spring seats right against the bottom of the rear strut mount but i got my new rear strut mounts and there is no place for the spring to sit
I just avoided the springs and went coil covers...much easier....rickstarr22 fitted the b&g springs....they fit like factory......dropped it a nice bit too.
I decided to use the B&G's with stock Gr-2's...5mm spacers in the rear. With 16's and 205-50 tires... Now with stock 14's and 205-60's... I would have gone coilovers if I didn't like it, but it turned out good enough for me.
Hi - not to threadjack, but I just wanted to know if you have any rubbing issues with the 16's and 205/50... i will be buying some set of rubbers for my 7th gen rims and lower the car using B&G and was wondering if i should get a 205/50 or 195/50 rubber... thanks!
having problems finding any springs to buy, even the b&g's anyone that bought them what place did you buy them from cuz i called a couple places already and they all out of stock and cant get them...help would be appreciated Part num (92.1.012)
amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Suspension-Systems-92-1-012-Vehicle-Lowering/dp/B0042ES2BO%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJUWVMOP4RTVDXM2A%26tag%3Dstreetperform-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0042ES2BO
amazon is the only thing i found was trying to find other sites becuz they are listed for around $198 on 3 sites i found wit free shipping but none of them have them if i dont find them for cheaper than amazon in a couple days then i guess amazon it is for $240
well got ahold of import replacement parts in WA, they didnt have a set of B&G on hand but called them to get them found out they have a big shipment of springs to sort through and they might have 1 set wont know till monday they are calling me back but the price is $198 free shipping
where did u buy yours from, i just want to c what places that people bought from n check to c if i could get a set from any of those places, cuz everywhere that i called is half a run around for any brand of spring for celica saying that all are discontined
My '88 came with Suspension Technics lowering springs, but several companies still lists a few different brands. With stock strut housings, I wouldn't go much lower than about 1.2-1.4 inches, causes too much bottoming! racerb
On eBay of course...lol Haven't looked lately because, well, I already have them. They had a bunch listed, I wouldn't think they had sold them all.
seems like im gonna be at least 1.5 lowered cuz i cant find anything higher, hopefully i can get the buy the b+g's on monday (1.6 they say)
in dire need of a set of drop springs, dozens of sites advertise b&g and eibach but no one has them when you call or try to buy them, even found b&g on ebay and called seller who doesnt have them wtf... now i got all the shocks and bits but no springs to put it all together.... please someone find me a set of any springs i can buy or if someone got a used set let me know
Don't know if these sites have them or you would trust buying form them... have no experience whatsoever with them before but scouring google, this is the first few sites that popped out... http://thmotorsports.com/i-232335.a...type=pla&kw=&gclid=CIixy7HerLYCFQjf4Aodgn4A6w http://shop.performancewheel.com/product/BG-Lowering-Springs/default.aspx?gfid=c38329 http://performance.importrp.com/bg_suspension/bg_s2_sport_springs/921012/i-232331.aspx oh and I thought Amazon had it in stock?
Here is another listing for Eibachs, hope they have them in stock though? http://www.autoaccessoriesgarage.com/Suspension/Eibach-Sportline? If it were me, this is the way I'd go and actually it is whats on my GTS!! http://www.ground-control-store.com/products/description.php/II=89/CA=89 racerb :sad5
tried all those sites, except for the one but there phone number doesnt work looks like im gonna have to look around to c if i can get them made special
I've had Lovells Sport Low springs in my st162 SX for 2.5 years, they're great and lowered it just enough. I don't know of any other brands available so might be worth a try. International distributors http://www.lovellsauto.com.au/dist.php?d=8 2011 catalogue http://www.lovellsauto.com.au/docs/cat_passcomm11.pdf super low 45-65mm drop sport low 25-40mm drop front super low tfl-56 sport low tfl-78 h duty std height tfs-78 rear super low trl-57Sl sport low trl-57 hduty std trs-71