Hey guys im in need of some dimensions, im changing my right lower control arm which is supposed to be part #48069-20180 so i ordered a RK640771 which sort of looks right and is supposed to fit... how ever the no.2 bushings hole is 20.3mm and the controlarms bushing mount is 17mm wide? Now i know a bushing just cant be that goddamn loose but i cant find any measurements on any of these lower control arms ive found. Every site keeps telling me RK640771 should be the right part, and not only that but the ONLY part available for #48069-20180. How can there be 2 different bushing sizes if theres only 1 type of control arm? any and all help is welcome!
Hey Sakke - How's it going over there in Europe? I'm gonna have to nut it up and re-do my lower control arms ASAP...the 32 year old rubber bushes are chunked and cracked from various fluid leaks hahahah. I'm gettin some hellacious groans from underneath in the morning when its cold Vicdat