My Celica is a UK model autobox with ECT and overdrive. For everyday driving I leave it in overdrive, with the ECT off. I have used the ECT when needed, like when I"m overtaking a long vehicle. When using the ECT, can I leave the overdrive on/off? What happens if I use the ECT for normal everyday driving?
Can't help you there, I have ECT-S with 3 modes + overdrive Economy - Power - Manual I guess the ECT mode is the same as my Power mode? If so, the difference will be fuel consumption - I never use the power or manual mode The car has ample power and I can count the times I've switched O/D off on my hands The UK owners manual I have 4 sale states - "You can select a driving pattern suitable to existing driving conditions. NORMAL - For general driving POWER - For powerful acceleration"
i believe the button changes teh trans shift points and nothing else. flooring the car should make it downshift.
Hey Mafix...... You said that 'you believe' the ECT button changes the trans shift points. I get the impression your not quite sure. How does it ? why does it ? Toyota engineers must have had a reason for it in the design of the car at the time and for what reason ? I have the 89 White Lightning with every availiable option and this ECT is one of them. Cheers Ev
This is what I just found and I quote............ "It is basically a sophisticated electronic auto transmission control system whereby sensors relate to a computer the speed, gear, torque etc and then the computer makes a calculation as to the best automatic gear shift points to maximise transmission power". Sounds sweeeeeet to me. And this technology is 22 years old I might add and these days I love the 5 or 6 or 7 speed auto boxes with paddle shifters......... hmmmmmm love F1 gearboxes :mrgreen
For the people who don't have ECT, (like me) it doesn't matter how hard you floor the car, the auto shifts too soon to reach its maximum torque band. I find myself staying in the right lane more. Although I do have an FE and switching off O/D while going 70 on the freeways helps greatly in overtaking another vehicle. If only I had a 5 speed, I can squeeze every bit of horsepower out of this little FE.
my auto shifts really late sometimes......... i love the "thrown back in your seat shifts" from 2 to the torque steer sometimes is alot. and yes i have an fe. there.
UPDATE........ Found this on the Toyota web site glossary page, DOH!, should have looked a bit harder in the first place. Electronically Controlled Transmission (ECT) Electronic control of the automatic transmissions has created a raft of breakthroughs in driving comfort and vehicle efficiency. ECT helps to ensures optimal gear change timing according to throttle position with vehicle load and judges the most suitable time to initiate torque converter lock-up for increased fuel economy, and networks with the engine’s computer. Here is another explanation....... ECT stands for Electronically Controlled Transmission. When you push the button in, there should be a light on the dash that says "ECT POWER". This changes the normal shift times (based on engine vacuum, rpm, and throttle position) to a later point. This means simply that the engine rpms will go higher before shifting to a higher gear when you're accelerating. It helps build speed more quickly but uses more gas to do so.
I know this is an old thread but anything to resuscitate this forum thanks to photo#ucket... I like my ECT system. Almost a quarter million miles on the Trans and never been touched (except adding a cooler years ago and of course occasional service) Anyway I find myself using the buttons a lot... I like a spirited drive...unlike Stig who just leaves it in slug mode. Living in a trailer will do that ya.