at the end of the day, just get a system you think sounds nice. unless your maxing out performance with a built motor and standalone trying to push for that last couple of horses or enhancing your torque curve then forget it. only these cars all this stuff will make that smaller difference it aint wurth the stress
If money wasn't an issue I'd make a stainless 4-2 system all the way back. Would be fun to find room for the extra pipes and silencers, but I've already done it on an Alfa and a Rotary so I know it's possible. You end up with awesome torque and a deep-as note, not the banshee wail I have now.
Here's a clip of my exhaust... Stock manifold, 2" stainless, no cat and stock looking twin tip muffler. I have plugs for the tips that tone it down a bit.. The engine seams happy with this combo on it. ... ideo_title just my 2 cents :thumbsup:
Sweeeeeeet............ good clip and yeah it's 'banshee' sounding at high RPM but who gives a shit....... these things get to redline as fast as I get to the closing bottle shop............. on my push bike :mrgreen After reading all the posts I like this exhaust setup as it's just a slight mod from stock. Post a pic of these 'plugs' you speak of :cheers
Ill have to dig the tips out... Cars in storage for the winter and I'm not 100% sure where I put the plugs hahaha... All they are, are like little glass packed resonators that slide in the tips and are attached with one screw... I had 6" ones made that go farther into the muffler (they really tone the raspyness out and get rid of alot of the droning sound, good for long drives). I also had 3" ones made that don't go into the muffler, just the length of the tip... They really don't do much. I really noticed the 4000-7200rpm range was where my exhaust made an improvement... I'm very happy with it
You don't... Any vehicle 1987 and older requires no Emissions Test, In my case I throw the cat back on before my e-test. I had a custom made resonator to fit in place of the stock cat.. Takes me 10 min to swap it over.