couple months and this filter has realy been fouled up, i use it more as a catch can, as it keeps the oil in the base of the filter
lol lol ur gonna kill me !! , i broke mine so i , just pulled the actual filter out and and have glued it back together and now it has a straight run through but funny enough i see bits of oil on the bottom on the cup where it has caught it , i might do a proper big catch can as ive got plenty of room
Asked Doug to get me a filter when he was in town, all they had was some old school metal and glass ones, which is awesome, but it'll look funny in my car. His old Chevy has the kind I'm looking for, and it was only used for like a month before the head cracked. Is there going to be a problem with using a filter that has had gas run through it, or should it be ok to just dry it out and hook it up?
this mod is more of a temp cat can than a filter, the filter wont stop oil from passing through, maybe clean it up a bit if anything. You can use one that has had gas run through it.
Sweet, got it done, the filter I was going to use from Doug's Chevy was cruddy as hell, so I went with the metal and glass one, which wound up looking really awesome, I'll try to get pics up of it soon (LOL )
Oh i have to do this mod soon, removed my air box and pipe to get to my distributor cap and found a ton of black sludge in my throttle body so this mod sounds very useful. and yes i cleaned the throttle body lol.