Here are a few products that will help if doing any kind of body work- where you have to pull, bend, or flatten a particular area. BONDO- the closet material to metal, other than replacing it. MAR-GLASS- Same as Bondo- Just as durable, I been told easier to work with. GLAZE- used after the bondo has been sanded, main use to fill in small holes. FIBERGLASS- this is used when you want to form or shape a panel, like making a wide body kit for our cars. FIBER SHEETS- used after a small amount of fiberglass has been applied to a panel. This is what could be used to cover seams and or cracks. When using ANY if thes products use a Air breather or a Mask- due to the fact all of these products go airborne for 5 mins...Ever heard of Bondo Lungs !!!! :!: