$4k To Spend

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by krazygt4, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. krazygt4

    krazygt4 Guest

    O.k heres my q. I now have $4k to spend on my gt4, i'm getting a new gen. 1 3sgte engine, (just want to get my baby running) So thats why i'm not going w/ a gen. 2 as I thought i would. So that leaves me around w/ $3k to spend for anything else for her, what should I buy? I believe i heard some bad things about the gen. 1 head, so can i purchase a gen. 2 and put it on? The gt4 is going 2 be my daily, so wanter her a bit fast, but strong enough so it wont be giving shiet every 5 min's. Any idea/help? Budget for car parts is going to be roughly around $2k-$3k since the guy putting the eng. in will charge me around $800, bastard. but oh well. any ideas?
  2. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    well first and foremost put in the gen 1 motor and get her running and see what else it may need before spending money on anything else.
  3. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    agreed. replacing a bunch of stuff before she goes in can cost a good chunk of a change.
  4. krazygt4

    krazygt4 Guest

    sounds good, hopefully she will be going for surgery by the end of this month, or early next month...

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