another craigslist thingo. it's a 87 GT, with two tone? not sure what he was saying on the phone. for parts, fuel pump is broken, but new alt/starter/rad/brakes, 250k on the 3s-fe, tan interior. anyone interested? there's another guy checkin it out and he'll get back to me after.
i went over there, it's 3s-fe, front fenders no rust, receipts for work done on engine, crank seals, oil seals all over the place, alternator is definitely new, so is the rad. apparently according to him the A/C worked when it was running. tan exterior and tan interior coupe. he said someone was checking it out tomorrow, and if the other guy is only needing parts, we can work out a 3 way deal? it's about 3mins south of i tried the butane thing in the intake and nothing. i'm not so sure if the starter is new because it does that grinding noise that me and nate get with our starters.