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Discussion in 'Your 4th Gen beauty' started by MattC, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    It's mostly rambling, hell even I don't remember half of whats in this thread, lol... I have an ECU from an SW20 MR2, which is the same model that this engine came out of so ACIS control is in the bag :cool:. At this stage I intend to retain the stock ECU, maybe later down the track I'll upgrade.

    I'm using the Gen 3 head (bigger cams, shim-under-bucket FTW etc), but no I don't believe the Gen 3 inlet will fit on a Gen 1 head: http://www.st162.net/forum/showthre...uy-or-not-to-buy&p=65530&viewfull=1#post65530
  2. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Incorrect - the Gen 2/3 GE ACIS is vacuum operated, in this pic you can see the diaphragm unit

    The gen 3 inlet manifold will not fit the gen 1 head, the Gen 2 inlet will however.

    You tell me and we'll both know. Are they stamped into the gears?

    Sorry Matt, only way is to count the teeth and divide between the two

    [​IMG] Originally Posted by Stig [​IMG]
    Have you thought of lightening 2nd & 3rd gears? evidently it helps the synrco's heaps but needs hardening after.

    Once again, voodoo [​IMG]

    Lighter gears = less strain/wear on the syncros and faster deceleration of the heavy gear, your expert should know this already?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  3. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    He probably does, but he's a service mechanic for Toyota not a specialty gearbox guru so it's probably outside his usual scope of work. And this damn thing is costing me enough already, lol...
  4. eNtraxGT88

    eNtraxGT88 Well-Known Member Donated!

    that's what he just said...? he just said that it is vacuum operated. however, it works in the opposite condition according to him, i'm not sure whether it is open/closed vacuum that you guys are talking about however at idle and above "crossover" rpm
  5. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    I'm looking at around $2000 to get my "E" refurbed properly and fitted - that's if I do all the work.

    TVIS has a valve operated by the ECU at 4000rpm, ACIS doesn't have any ECU control
  6. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    $2k? Ouch.... How much of it are you replacing?
  7. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Actually not a lot
    Of the 4 stripped boxes there is some stuff I can replace but all the syncro's, selector rings, gear bearings, seals, pinion gears, shims etc need replacing.
    Some of the shaft/diff bearings are $250ea, so won't be replacing too many of them unfortunately.
    Shafts will need a complete re-con and new boots as they are all splitting already.
    I haven't priced lightening the gears, dunno if drilling or lathe work is required?

    I haven't measured my gears yet but they are pretty loose on the bearings, if new bearings don't stiffen them up I'll have to buy new gears as the 3.9 RC gearset has different ratios to the other 3 boxes.

    If the gears are wobbly, it will lead to premature failure of the syncro's, selector rings and gear sprockets.
    It's not worth doing a cheapo re-furb on these as they are already 20+ years old and one failed bearing will shower the rest of the box in splinters the hardness of tool steel.

    Here's some food for thought - it's the S53 breakdown but the same applies to the E boxes, those selector rings and gears take a lot of punishment
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2013
  8. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    You were right Mr Stig, gearbox re-con is going to be uber-pricey :( Got a call from my gearbox guy today, will be well over $1000 just in Toyota parts, plus another $200+delivery for the munted side gear for the LSD...... Shit it's gonna be a nice gearbox by the time it's finished though......

    I was hoping to get going again on the engine work soon, but unfortunately the cost of the gearbox exercise is going to put the whole build back another couple of months [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
  9. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Won't be cheap but the upside is a good motor AND box.
    Mine is in limbo too, till finances improve
  10. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Small update - I delivered my 3rd-gen engine block, cylinder head and crankshaft to the machinist today with a shopping list of work to do, I've ordered the pistons to suit, a set of ARP head studs and main bearing studs arrived in the mail earlier this week, as did the replacement side gear for the LSD (no word yet on when my gearbox will be ready though :banghead )... still much to do, but things are slowly coming together..
  11. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Good onya Matt, keep the pics flowing.
    This is one thread everyone should be following
  12. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Kevin! How are you mate? Thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth for a while there.

    Lol, I hope anyone following this is patient, its at least 12 months away from being finished...
  13. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    I've got a couple of weeks off work so hoping to get some stuff done. I think the fuel pump on this thing is dead though, I started it a couple of weeks ago and it only ran for a few minutes then died and wouldn't re-start, and today I tried to get it going again and it will only run for a few seconds at a time. I did the bridging the terminals on the diagnostic port trick and couldn't hear any pump noises so I'm pretty sure it's farked. Luckily I have a Walbro to replace the stock pump, I was hoping not to have to put it in yet, but oh well... probably should do the fuel filter at the same time..

    Not much else to report, the block and head are still at the machinist, they've been chemically cleaned but the pistons haven't arrived yet and machine shop can't proceed without them. Have also just ordered a new set of OEM valves which should be here in the next day or two, and am waiting for valve springs to come in from the US (which haven't actually been made yet, tech nerds should stay tuned ;) ). Will chase up the gearbox guy this week as well.

    Also bought a set of side skirts which some of you may recognise :cool:, and I'm going to swap my black interior in.

    So all in all not much to say but watch this space for actual updates soon.
  14. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Started on my grey-to-black interior conversion today, got about three-quarters finished then ran out of light. Everybody loves pics, right? So:

    Out with the old!


    and in with the ..... slightly less old! lol...


    After a good vacuum it came up pretty clean inside:


    Having all the trims off and viewing things from jaunty angles, I discovered some more of the old red devil in the back of the car. I mean rust, not Julia Gillard! (that's some Aussie political humour right there for you overseas folks, lol...). The seams on the underside of the boot channel both have it. Wire wheel + rust converter = win. I'll figure out a more permanent fix later on.



    One of the more interesting bits of flotsam found while pulling the car apart was this mysterious box hiding behind the ECU:


    ....which turned out to be a sealed lead acid battery. The wires weren't connected to anything so I have no idea what it was for, part of an old alarm system perhaps?


    Also found this under the carpet on the passenger side - the coat hook for the the grab handle! I was strangely excited by this find, JDM as f**k or what?? lol...

  15. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Nice Matt

    Battery I suspect also an old type alarm
    That hanger clip is a true find - 1st time I've seen one and I've been using carabiners all these years for my coathangers!
    Julia was here - lol, swap ya for a Key that only opens doors to China.
    Check below the windows for signs of leaks and in the speaker boxes, also check around the rear hatch for any signs of bubbling. It may be worthhwile to fix any of those issues now before putting stuff back.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2013
  16. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Exciting new shiny things arrived this week:

    Courtesy of Special Piston Services in Dandenong, Victoria:


    (yeah yeah there are three more, I wasn't going to unpack them all just for a photo :p )

    I had Real Street Perfomance in the US lined up to supply a set of CP slugs in the compression ratio that I wanted (since, of course, you can't buy off-the-shelf aftermarket pistons in 10.3:1 can you :banghead ) which were a bit cheaper, but I bailed on them at the last minute because I had to supply all the measurements to them and if I stuffed them up then I'd be left with a rather expensive set of paperweights that I couldn't return. So I paid a little extra for the piece of mind that comes with mailing a local company one of the factory pistons and saying "I want this in 0.5mm oversize" :D

    Another recent arrival:


    Nothing special about these, they're just aftermarket OEM-replacement valves. I've never heard of the brand (Dokuro) before, but they're Japanese-made, according to their website the company has been making valves since 1949, and I got them from Road & Track in Queensland who are possibly the best authority on 3S engines in Australia, so if that's what they recommend then they're good enough for me.

    Out of interest I've been weighing all of the components I've bought and comparing them to the factory bits. So far the pistons are 50g lighter apiece, the conrods a whopping 170g apiece lighter, and the valves a not-inconsiderable 2g lighter each.

    Just waiting now for my valve springs to come in (read: waiting for them to be manufactured) and I'll have all the pieces to the engine puzzle :D Stay tuned....
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2013
  17. Stig

    Stig ST162 Guru Donated!

    Very nice Matt
    How's your gearbox coming along?
  18. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Lol, good question, I've been meaning to call the guy who's got it for a couple of weeks. I've got the new side gear for the diff, so I'll see of he's got the rest of the bits in. Last time I spoke to him he was still trying to find out what model of box it was so he could order the right parts.
  19. Oompa

    Oompa Well-Known Member

    If it is an ex Gt4 gearbox this might help?


    I severely doubt it was a Gt4 box though the internals are different stopping you putting in a normal LSD. Front LSDs are rare as albino hen molars!!!! They do exist though, last one I heard of was $5000.00 for a TRD model
  20. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Thanks Oompa, I've seen that page before but all I could determine from it was that mine definitely didn't come from an ST205. My initial assumption was that it came from an ST185 because the guy I bought it off said was a GT4 box and the 185 was the only GT4 that was officially imported here in any decent number and so the easiest to come by, but after a little more research I'm pretty sure I was wrong in guessing that because the starter on an ST185 sits on the opposite side of the bellhousing:

    Here's mine:


    ...and here's a 185 box:


    Everything I've read since says that the internals of the AWD box are different and FWD LSD's won't fit and therefore mine couldn't possibly have come from a GT4 of any description, so you're right on that one too :eek: So the guessing game continues, but like I said I'll call the guy again this week and see what he says...

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