Project rediculous

Discussion in 'Your 4th Gen beauty' started by garbled, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Haha good idea, or this is gonna be a 20 year project :D lol
  2. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    the actuators sound like a good idea, I can't even get people to close the door WITHOUT pushing on the damned glass. there's no frame and you leave fingerprints assholes!
  3. Sterling

    Sterling Guest

    yeh i no what u mean, EVERYONE does that

    its stupid, its a window.. toyota should have made them designed to handle that, just for that obvious reason
  4. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    Well.. it's been awhile.. so I thought I would update you on progress. Visually, the car doesn't appear to have made much progress, but alot of these sections have taken quite a bit of work to get them to where they are, and I have a bunch of shaped parts sitting around ready to go on still.

    This is the new rear wheel well. All welded in and ready to go. It was a serious PITA to do. First, we cut a big opening for the new well. The opening was so big that it opened up the body where the inner well is spot welded to the outer body. To fix this I had to cut small filler strips of steel and weld it shut again. Then we formed the new well, and welded it in. The well is oversized so that we can just fit the side panel to it, and then cut it back down to size.


    And another view from below:


    And this is the rear panel of the car. Not done by a long shot, and just held in for fitting purposes with clamps. This gives you an idea of how the rear lights and plate will mount. Also in these pictures you can see the new trunk lid.



    If you are wondering, yes, the original plan was to do this in fiberglass. However, doing the rear window and other sections gave me so much practice with metalwork, that I'm now confident enough with the hammer to tackle an all-steel body.
  5. 86GTMonkey

    86GTMonkey Well-Known Member

    That is awesome. A tubbed 4g? Never thought I'd see it. Great metal work, the back looks great.
  6. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    thank god you have 4 lug or you'd never find wheel s to fit that.
  7. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    You think I should keep the 4lug? I've been bouncing ideas around there trying to figure out what wheels to get for awhile now. I'm not sure yet if I should swap to 5lug or not. You apparently know of some wheel that would work.. if so, what? Otherwise I was thinking of spacers. I definately want to keep them in the 15-17" range.

    I actually assumed from the reasearch I've done that I would need to go to 5lug to get a wider wheel back there.
  8. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    nope with the 4 lug you can use mustang wheels. with 5x100 there are no small wheels with the right offset.
  9. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    Really? Huh.. Which year mustang?
  10. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Now that's some crazy artwork with a car right there! Good job man! :D
  11. 86GTMonkey

    86GTMonkey Well-Known Member

    The Fox mustangs from 79-93 were all 4 lug, even the GT. I think they went to 5 lug after 93, but that might only be the GTs.
  12. CrazyAchmed

    CrazyAchmed Well-Known Member Donated!

    The cobras were 5 lug in the late early 90's. I think the rest of them were 4 lug.

    I second the 'Tons of aftermarket options for the 4lug bolt pattern.'
  13. nikser

    nikser Active Member

    it's terrible! sad shit!:banghead
  14. MattC

    MattC Well-Known Member Donated!

    Anyone know if this ever got finished? His website hasn't been updated since December 2009..

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