Strange sightings

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Toytuner, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Toytuner

    Toytuner Well-Known Member Donated!

    So while i was in florida i came across serveral odd 5th gens. They weren't all together and a few were driven by older people (40's to 60's) but they all had the same badging. on the back instead of GT-S they all said GT-X3 and all of them had little factory vinyls on the bottom of the door saying Twin Cam 16valve GT-X. WHat the hell is a GT-X?
  2. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    hmmm i remember seeing st-x here. and it was like the lowest of the low trim, with like a spoiler if i remember correctly. I dunno bout the gt-x. sounds cool!
  3. Toytuner

    Toytuner Well-Known Member Donated!

    at first i just thought it was someone putting a made up badge on their car but i saw 7 of these cars from tampa to orlando all with different age drivers and all with the same badges.
  4. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    some dealers will have their own badges

    for instance my cavalier had big z22 decals lol
  5. 89celicagt

    89celicagt Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator Donated!

    I have to agree with youds on this one, vinyl hype it would seem :lol: My custom side pinstripes were done at a dealer too, but they didn't change the "label" it just says GT.

    Coincidentally, wasn't there a "castrol gt-x" rally in the 90's tho? ;)
  6. sr5punk

    sr5punk Well-Known Member

    :lmao: good one k! castrol gt-x. hahahahahah!
  7. Toytuner

    Toytuner Well-Known Member Donated!

    Thats what im thinking is maybe some people just made them up. But they arent vinyl they are actual badges. I'll have my woman call her grandma and have her take a picture of the one down the street.
  8. Murgatroy

    Murgatroy Member

    GTX was a dealer trim option, just like STX.

    I have never seen a GTX in person, but I have seen STXs.

    The STX package was a base ST with a couple of options added, these included, but where not limited to, power windows, a sunroof, alloy wheels, a spoiler and a graphics package.

    The GTX was the same thing, except it started it's life as a GT.

    These cars are still STs or GTs, they just have a dealer applied option package, and has led to confusion over the years of the different trim levels of the 5th Gen Celica.

    Hope this clears up some confusion.
  9. brydenm

    brydenm Guest

    talking about seeing funny 5th gns im in caliornia right now and keep seeing this disgusting th gen turquoise with a body kit it has a ricy echaust and sparkly gold decals on the side

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