Seat posture broken?

Discussion in 'Interior' started by Bonzai, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Bonzai

    Bonzai Well-Known Member


    I have a white lightning which has those gt style bucket seats, however the posture adjustment doesn't move and it's stuck all the way back, very uncomfortable when driving.. anyway the chain is skipping the pin.. Is it time for a new seat?
  2. 187flatliner

    187flatliner Seat Breaker Donated!

    i have the same problem.....take the side off and theres a plastic tension piece, replace that then if it still doesnt fix it then NEW seat.
  3. Bonzai

    Bonzai Well-Known Member

    Where can I get replacements??
  4. 187flatliner

    187flatliner Seat Breaker Donated!

    hit the junk yards could try toyota but i doubt theyll have replacements
  5. Bonzai

    Bonzai Well-Known Member

    My chain is also stretched... or is this because the tensioners are no good ?
  6. 187flatliner

    187flatliner Seat Breaker Donated!

    more than likely the tension is broken.

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